Jess S
Active Member
Joined: Mar 15, 2022
Last seen: Sep 12, 2023
Topics: 3 / Replies: 5
RE: Disable focus on element/overlay

Hi - I'm using the "Light" theme, but I would like to change the background colour - can you help please with how to do that? Thanks!

2 years ago
RE: Disable focus on element/overlay

Thanks for the update! Would you be able to advise please on what is the selector so I can add css to the tooltips and make them appear with fadein....

2 years ago
RE: Disable focus on element/overlay

Thanks a lot. I tweaked it a bit (.dpintro-overlay) and it worked. 🙂 Can you also advise what is the selector for the tool tip itself, as I want to...

2 years ago
RE: Intro tours are showing every login (after logging out), even when it is set to 1st Login only

Thank you! I don't use any caching plugin at all. Any help would be appreciated...

3 years ago
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