Changelog - Intro Tour Tutorial PRO
● SECURITY FIX: Protects against XSS attacks in class-dp-intro-tours-admin-settings.php
● BUGFIX - Disable loading admin tour edit style at all admin pages
● BUGFIX - Fix of global slow queries issue (generating title for new tour)
● BUGFIX - Calculating of user visits on server side
● TWEAK - Recalculating all document bounding box before each step
● NEW FEATURE - Add the "align justify" button to the step content editor
● NEW FEATURE - Checkbox to skip on future visits
● NEW FEATURE - New option - where are tour visits calculated for logged-in users?
● TWEAK - User visits are now calculated based on the tour start
● TWEAK - User visit data can be cleared per tour and also affect visits saved in the browsers
● BUGFIX - Warning: Undefined variable $ in class-dp-intro-tours-public.php on line 79
● WP 6.5 compatibility check
● BUGFIX - tooltip position after resize fix
● BUGFIX - php warning fix in class-dp-intro-tours-public (line 676)
● BUGFIX - colored theme background color change to enhance tooltip contrast
● BUGFIX - animation opacity fix - when light accent color
● BUGFIX - builder target detail and URL modal fix
● BUGFIX - Sticky theme - bullet text color on dark accent fix
● BUGFIX - trigger tour -> prevent default
● TWEAK - running bullet animation after user interaction - light accent color -> dark outline
● BUGFIX - page horizontal alignment error fix
● TWEAK - running bullet animation - light accent color -> dark outline
● TEST - WordPress 6.4 compatibility tested
● BUGFIX - resize fix
● NEW FEATURE - frontend builder - step edit - re-styling
● BUGFIX - document sizing when theme body or doc sizes don't reflect all page size
● NEW FEATURE - FR translation added
● BUGFIX - theme switch
● BUGFIX - text size of navigation bullets
● TWEAK - progress bar bg color
● BUGFIX - user interaction - click the link with target _blank
● BUGFIX - tooltip inside a target element positioning and scroll fix
● BUGFIX - tooltip horizontal alignment fix
● BUGFIX - tooltip minimal height fix
● BUGFIX - step number positioning and size fix
● NEW FEATURE - switch to SVG ico on small sizes when no space for all buttons
● NEW FEATURE - scroll to the mobile menu opener before is menu open
● NEW FEATURE - confirm dialog before a link click during a tour
● BUGFIX - mobile menu target elements creation in builder fixes
● BUGFIX - user interaction - on hover multiple step shift fix
● BUGFIX - border-radius tour options fix (tooltip padding fix)
● BUGFIX - positioning of the tooltip pointing towards the target with a fixed position
● BUGFIX - target selecting on mobile - suppress click/touch events
● BUGFIX - mobile menu opener - visual selection (the mobile menu was not opening)
● BUGFIX - tooltip without target element - minimal width fix
● BUGFIX - admin board - mobile menu opening fix
● TWEAK - scrollbar styling for non-chromium-based browsers
● BUGFIX - firefox z-index fix for the tooltip inside a target
● BUGFIX - URL variables starting tour fix
● BUGFIX - Builder target selection user interaction fix
● BUGFIX - trigger default intro_trigger_event fix
● BUGFIX - SVG icon loading on a repeated run of the tour ( no reload )
● BUGFIX - Z-index base default value fix
● BUGFIX - disabled tooltip control after saving
● BUGFIX - web page dimension calculation cross-platform fix
● NEW FEATURE - forcing to open all links inside the highlighted target element in a new tab (so no tour end)
● BUGFIX - removing php 3rd party enum library (critical error in combination with some plugins)
● TWEAK - Most of the front-end code was modularized, modernized, and optimized. The main public script size was reduced from 140KB to 51KB. The placement accuracy of the tooltip and all other layers has been improved.
● TWEAK - A new browser-based scrolling algorithm is capable of scrolling the target element into view, even in very specific cases such as nested scrolled containers. Most of the code responsible for scrolling the target into view has been removed or transformed for necessary customization of browser-based scrolling functions.
● TWEAK - themes design improved and bug fixed
● TWEAK - improved look and behavior of tour admin options
● TWEAK - new mobile menu opening algorithm
● TWEAK - simplification of tour starting options + advanced option for detail configuration
● NEW FEATURE - admin steps table: enable scrolling by drag and drop on table cells
● NEW FEATURE - A new target highlighting mechanism allows elements (fixed, sticky, with CSS transform, etc.) to be fully highlighted. Previously, it was just a border without a highlighted background, due to a z-index issue.
● NEW FEATURE - added help for user interaction features
● NEW FEATURE - New global option - exclude admin board area from the "Start this tour everywhere" option
● NEW FEATURE - tour option "Loading delay": support for frontend render tasks
● TWEAK - all links created in the step content editor are defaulted to open in a new window (target="_blank")
● BUGFIX - URL variable fixes and simplification
● BUGFIX - nested scrollable parents of the target element
● BUGFIX - small screens out of screen fix + fixed positioned out of screen fix
● BUGFIX - scaled element width and height calculation fix
● BUGFIX - step content editor z-index fixes
● TWEAK - follow target position is deactivated when the browser tab is not active to not use the client's CPU
● BUGFIX - learndash plugin compatibility fix
● BUGFIX - Z-index base default value was not working on all browsers,
● TWEAK - Skip Absent Ref. Element change of default value to Off
● NEW FEATURE - Do not load any theme style to simplify custom CSS re-stylings
● BUGFIX - loading just needed themes (better CSS optimization)
● BUGFIX - remove pho debug notices
● NEW FEATURE - you can start a tour from the selected step by defining a dp-step param (indexed from 0)
● BUGFIX - rerun tour by user action eg. click overlay not loaded fix
● TWEAK - URL lock update: do not load any tour without configured URL lock on load when the dp-lock query param is present in the URL
● BUGFIX - Critical bug fix - CSS theme loading emitted critical error
● BUGFIX - Labeling link from top admin bar fix
● BUGFIX - iterate step after click/hover z-index fix
● BUGFIX - target visual selection (stop propagation fix)
● BUGFIX - builder - setting mobile targets
● BUGFIX - builder - setting mobile targets
● BUGFIX - hide overlay per step fix in builder
● BUGFIX - target visual selection (stop propagation fix)
● BUGFIX - golden ration alg. for placing a tooltip fix
● TWEAK - builder ... increased user experience on the mobile
● NEW FEATURE - 'Stop click propagation' in step interaction options - if you like to block on click events from other JS codes - (plugins, theme) during a tour on the actual target, that can interact unexpectedly with tour
● BUGFIX - hide overlay per step fix
● TWEAK - advanced resize / change orientation algorithm
● TWEAK - advanced determine tooltip position
● BUGFIX - php 7.2 syntax error fix
● TWEAK - scroll easing -> swing
● TWEAK - shouldBeStepSkipped -> adding condition: isElementInsideDocBoard
● TWEAK - activate skip_absent_ref_el in view mode in the builder
● BUGFIX - tooltip positioning center aligned fix
● BUGFIX - scroll and follow target interaction, golden ratio tooltip positioning fix
● BUGFIX - CLICK→NEXT and HOVER→NEXT prevent default fix
● BUGFIX - Mobile menu z-index fixes
● BUGFIX - Sticky positioning for the target element and it's parents
● BUGFIX - Admin global options - NEWS links fix
● BUGFIX - z-index default value fix
● BUGFIX - z-index default value fix
● BUGFIX - z-index default value fix
● BUGFIX - z-index default value build fix
● BUGFIX - z-index default value fix
● BUGFIX - Edit tooltip text in builder - MCE links z-index fix
● BUGFIX - Progress bar after switching themes on frontend fix
● NEW FEATURE - The design themes have been completely rewritten and also renamed (CSS identifiers have been changed)
● NEW FEATURE - The positioning system has been completely rewritten so it is more accurate
● NEW FEATURE - Bullets navigation is now mobile friendly
● NEW FEATURE - Rounding of intro layers is now configurable ( per each tour )
● NEW FEATURE - The sizing of intro layers has been improved to fit into your web. It is configurable in an easy user-friendly way and also in an advanced way
● NEW FEATURE - The algorithms for tracking the step target have been improved to be much smoother and optimized
● NEW FEATURE - Button arrow is now configurable - ( SVG icon, ASCI character, none)
● NEW FEATURE - The z-index base is configurable to prevent stacking-based issues
● NEW FEATURE - global options have been redesigned and simplified
● NEW FEATURE - show/hide bullets, progress bar, and step numbers configurable now by tour
● TWEAK - audit and optimization of the frontend scripts and styles
● TWEAK - new running bullets animation + its code optimize
● BUGFIX - Screen size change is now properly processed
● BUGFIX - logged-in visit count calculated on a server (as calculated on the server only when the "Allow just for logged-in Users" option was active)
● BUGFIX - scroll animations were queued, now after going to the next or previous step, it takes effect immediately
● TWEAK - adjust upgrade message for following major releases
● BUGFIX - rest API URL endpoint - get_rest_url
● BUGFIX - render_tiny_mce on admin - list of tours fix
● TWEAK - reduction of intro elements animations
● TWEAK - set default border radiuses between 2px - 4px
● NEW FEATURE - user interaction on hover over element -> next step
● NEW FEATURE - hide overlay layer per step (support sub menu on hover)
● BUGFIX - manual highlight layer background option in builder - z-index bug
● NEW FEATURE - manual highlight layer background option
● NEW FEATURE - hide next button option when on click -> next
● BUGFIX - visual target selector fix when unique selector emits exception
● BUGFIX - max tooltip width applied on fancy bar
● BUGFIX - Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach in class-dp-intro-tours-helper.php on line 710
● BUGFIX - admin tout intro text editor open fix
● NEW FEATURE - configurable radius of highlighting layer
● BUGFIX - license activation fix
● BUGFIX - ajax security issue fix (on some servers verify extra nonce was failing)
● NEW FEATURE - new theme - colored
● NEW FEATURE - tooltip container and buttons radius override
● BUGFIX - Step number position in the builder, when starting from 1st step
● BUGFIX - The text color of the flat adaptive theme was poorly visible on the dark tooltip bg
● TWEAK - Improve - When storing an activation flag to the server by AJAX fails, restore the activation flag at server
● BUGFIX - When storing an activation flag to the server by AJAX fails, restore the activation flag at server
● BUGFIX - Ending the tour is not allowed in builder mode
● BUGFIX - Ending the tour is not allowed in builder mode
● BUGFIX - TinyMCE buttons hidden
● BUGFIX - The skip button was not hidden in the builder
● TWEAK - remove font select and font sizes select from TinyMCE
● BUGFIX - Confirm on open text editor -> Text tab (was not saving last changes from Text tab)
● BUGFIX - render_tiny_mce just when needed + admin warn fix
● BUGFIX - Call to undefined function is_plugin_active fix on multi-site
● NEW FEATURE - adding WordPress editor for building a step content
● NEW FEATURE - deactivation of FREE version if is activated (caused fatal error when both versions were activated)
● BUGFIX - skip button changed from 'a' tag to 'div' tag (possible interaction with 'a' tag styles from outside)
● TWEAK - don't show step number when there is one step only
● BUGFIX - afterStepChange API hook fix ("tourId" and "currentUrl" were missing in args)
● BUGFIX - tooltip positioning with hidden step number
● BUGFIX - progress bar size adjusted by skipped steps with no visible target
● TWEAK - default colors change
● TWEAK - icons redesign
● BUGFIX - auto-scroll in parent container fix
● NEW FEATURE - sticky publish/update button at tour options on the admin board
● NEW FEATURE - disable tour for selected user roles
● NEW FEATURE - pause visual builder to enable interaction with the page during tour creation/editing
● TWEAK - optimize of server load
● TWEAK - default theme -> Light Fancy
● TWEAK - asset name separator changed from '~' to '-'
● BUGFIX - copy and paste URL for step fix
● BUGFIX - php notice fix
● TWEAK - optimize script loading in the admin
● BUGFIX - loading all themes fix
● TWEAK - optimize loading CSS themes
● NEW FEATURE - new theme Light Fancy
● NEW FEATURE - drag and drop the ACF table header to scroll with the table
● NEW FEATURE - start at multiple pages
● NEW FEATURE - allow full-screen video in the tooltip
● BUGFIX - load visual builder fix
● NEW FEATURE - Advanced interaction with the highlighted element - go to next step after click + delay
● BUGFIX - WordPress admin problem when query strings start with "/?"
● TWEAK - Use only relative paths - avoiding migration problems
● BUGFIX - blurred backdrop was not working after switching back from target selection
● TWEAK - too generic cCSSss classes that could have potentially conflicted with other plugins/themes were changed to BEM (bottom, top, on-top, left, right)
● TWEAK - adjusting style for a dark fancy theme
● TWEAK - blurred overlay performance optimize
● BUGFIX - disable window.history.pushState for admin tour (woocommerce bad interaction)
● BUGFIX - On key down event was not cleared and caused a doubled event when the tour starts for 2nd time on the same page
● TWEAK - adaptive overlay bg - flat adaptive theme
● BUGFIX - Dark Fancy theme bottom arrow - remove accent color
● BUGFIX - License validating - use server time instead of client frontend time to validate
● BUGFIX - license validation fix
● BUGFIX - scroll parent element offset fix
● NEW FEATURE - new Dark Fancy theme
● NEW FEATURE - system variables in URL like a current_user_login or current_user_id + customized by hooks
● NEW FEATURE - PHP hooks extended - new filters dpintro_script_tour_config, dpintro_script_main_config, dpintro_sys_url_var
● NEW FEATURE - JS API (navigate steps by JS code)
● BUGFIX - License validating fix
● BUGFIX - URL change in admin builder modal fix
● TWEAK - Skip the step if no ref element - fix marginal steps + skip the actual step when the reference element disappears
● TWEAK - isolation of wplink function (set URL dialog) to not load hidden editor in builder mode
● BUGFIX - Adding a new step after in builder when Global run at all pages was causing an unwanted redirect
● BUGFIX - The saving value of the trigger selector by the visual builder was broken
● NEW FEATURE - variable parts in URL eg. tour at all product detail pages: /products/{product-id}?variant={product-variant}
● NEW FEATURE - enable tours on admin board
● NEW FEATURE - JS hooks for advanced customization based on intro tour events
● NEW FEATURE - PHP hooks for advanced customization based on intro tour events
● NEW FEATURE - clearing logged-in visit count from global options
● NEW FEATURE - Option for enabling console debug output
● TWEAK - Extend notification enhanced
● TWEAK - Translation of all admin js scripts support
● TWEAK - Counting visits of logged-in users on the server
● TWEAK - Optimize loading public js scripts
● BUGFIX - fix of relative position parent - positioning of the highlight layer
● BUGFIX - $keepCurrentUrl and $keep-prev-step-url disappeared after scrolling in the Insert/edit link window
● BUGFIX - use get_posts instead of WP Query to not change global data
● BUGFIX - intro text was not actually in builder mode after a step change
● BUGFIX - config default values are used even when the tour config was not saved
● BUGFIX - Allow Just for Logged-in Users works now together with the "First N Visits Only" option and counts logged-in visits separately
● TWEAK - Add a step ID to the main intro layer to support targeting all nested introductory layers with CSS per step
● TWEAK - Allow Just for Logged-in Users works now together with the "First N Visits Only" option and counts logged-in visits separately
● NEW FEATURE - Adding configuration per tour for labels of buttons Next, Back, Skip, Done
● BUGFIX - not setting the z-index of parents to auto, when there is a fixed ancestor
● TWEAK - make a plugin to be resilient against deferring jQuery
● TWEAK - adding text for buttons Next, Back, Skip and Done to the translation domain
● NEW FEATURE - Start tour when a specific key is pressed on the selected element
● NEW FEATURE - Run the initial tour only on the user's first N visits
● NEW FEATURE - Max tooltip width setting in the design section in tour-specific options
● NEW FEATURE - Shortcodes support in intro content
● NEW FEATURE - Support of targeting tooltips and highlight layers with CSS per step
● BUGFIX - run tour when start URL ends with #
● BUGFIX - scroll in nested container fix
● TWEAK - Normalize bubble width for configuration in frontend-builder - target element for mobile/widescreen display
● TWEAK - Remove the submit button in license settings (was confusing)
● BUGFIX - Skip mobile target label fix
● BUGFIX - Don't choose a mobile element on the widescreen when the widescreen target is empty
● NEW FEATURE - Start just for mobile or wide-screen configuration
● NEW FEATURE - Mobile/widescreen for each step - skip / alternative target
● NEW FEATURE - New UI in builder to enable visual configuration of Mobile/widescreen
● TWEAK - add an option to manually open the mobile menu if automatically doesn't work
● BUGFIX - saving other posts with old TinyMCE editor fix (didn't work - was affected by wplink styling )
● TWEAK - make the plugin to be resilient against deferring jQuery
● TWEAK - restore flat theme style and add new flat adaptive with adjusted text color and adaptive tooltip background color
● BUGFIX - Allow HTML inside the intro text and also in the visual builder
● NEW FEATURE - Supports all post types and archives now :)
● NEW FEATURE - The color of text for buttons is changed, if there is not contrast enough with the selected accent color (support lighter accent colors)
● NEW FEATURE - Streamlining of settings on the admin board
● NEW FEATURE - Admin settings and visual builder use admin theme colors
● NEW FEATURE - Hide selected elements when the tour starts
● BUGFIX - select element without class fix
● BUGFIX - when the "Global Start at All Pages" option is set on, the URL for the first step is not required and is not editable. The home page is used for pre-view and builder.
● NEW FEATURE - Disable running in unsupported browsers (IE 11 and below)
● TWEAK - change the default accent color to purple for new installations
● BUGFIX - mobile menu alternative element fix - mob menu was not opening (only on second try)
● TWEAK - check target position once more after is scrolled at it ( fixing repositioning due to sticky menu )
● BUGFIX - tooltip positioning fix on Firefox browser
● NEW FEATURE - Strict URL compare option - reload between 2 steps with the same URL but different query parameters
● TWEAK - check the position of the target when it has stopped moving due to animation after 400ms
● BUGFIX - init state is not transferred from previous if is CANCEL
● BUGFIX - Mobile Menu Alternative elements highlighting
● TWEAK - fixed position element has only a border for highlighting them to not cover them because of stacking issue
● BUGFIX - Bullet animations are not affected by opacity or blur of the overlay layer
● BUGFIX - Fixing parents, possibly changing position by class ... auto keep pos and width
● BUGFIX - Fix sorting steps in admin
● TWEAK - adding icon to highlight sorting steps feature
● NEW FEATURE - variable url for intro step ... $KEEP CURRENT URL and $KEEP PREV. STEP URL
● TWEAK - fixed position elements are set to transparent bg while highlighting them
● NEW FEATURE - blurred overlay option in behavior configuration for each tour
● BUGFIX - Mobile Menu Opener visual selector on a desktop fix
● BUGFIX - Allow Just for "Logged in Users" option also available in primary trigger - not just in an additional one
● TWEAK - in dark theme ... the color of container for buttons is not accent color - is fixed dark gray
● TWEAK - adding menu labels to translation
● BUGFIX - adding permission_callback to register_rest_route to avoid PHP notices
● BUGFIX - starting tour by URL with defined theme parameter
● TWEAK - auto-update now from ''
● NEW FEATURE - Hide Previous Step Button Always - configuration
● NEW FEATURE - Hide skip button configuration
● NEW FEATURE - Hide buttons instead of disabling
● NEW FEATURE - Hide bullets when there are fewer than 2 steps
● NEW FEATURE - Disable navigation by click on step bullet
● NEW FEATURE - Hide bullets when there are fewer than 2 steps
● BUGFIX - Disable Exit on Overlay Click was always active on dummy element (not selected target)
● NEW FEATURE - Global trigger - start tour on all pages
● COMPATIBILITY FIX - WordPress 5.6 compatibility fix (jQuery update)
● BUGFIX - select CSS was overridden by theme or other plugins
● TWEAK - full-screen bullets animation change to BEM CSS class to not interact with other full-screen classes
● TWEAK - Update tooltip placement when repositioning due to animations
● BUGFIX - Mobile menu target selector priority by mouse down instead of click (divi was preventing event to fire)
● NEW FEATURE - Multi-site support
● NEW FEATURE - Admin Sub-menu for plugin settings
● TWEAK - plugin settings with hint
● NEW FEATURE - design/behavior config in the admin bar
● NEW FEATURE - global accent color override
● TWEAK - intro core re-written to be unique for more instances + CSS classes names change
● BUGFIX - fix unwanted interaction between multiple tours on the same page
● NEW FEATURE - after page reload increment step (non-AJAX form submit)
● TWEAK - tour fluency tuning
● NEW FEATURE - added new config section - tour behavior -> new options: Disable Exit on Overlay, Click Disable Starting Animation, Scroll Speed, Increment Step After Reload
● TWEAK - debug support adjustment
● BUGFIX - highlighted layer position includes border now
● BUGFIX - fix unwanted interaction between multiple tours on the same page
● NEW FEATURE - Support for Sell Codes feedback system
● BUGFIX - Plugin setting page tabs are now correctly shown as active
● NEW FEATURE - Support for Sell Codes Auto-update
● BUGFIX - theme accent color interaction between tours
● BUGFIX - builder closing bugfix
● NEW FEATURE - mobile menu support
● NEW FEATURE - adding setting for each tour: Disable exit on overlay click
● NEW FEATURE - adding setting for each tour: Allow Just for Logged in Users
● NEW FEATURE - frontend visual builder for creation of tour's steps
● NEW FEATURE - Adding custom key field to lock by URL mechanism - so tour lock doesn't interact with other tours starting on the same page
● NEW FEATURE - add theme design override section for each tour
● IMPROVE - prefix plugin's dependencies to avoid interaction with other plugins
● BUGFIX - arrow positioning near window border fix
● TWEAK - remove id and class option for Trigger Object field - converted to Custom selector (backward compatibility ensured)
● TWEAK - license key has a separate tab in plugin settings
● BUGFIX - manifest cache fix in wpackio module
● BUGFIX - source map errors in the dev console fixed
● TWEAK - load tour styles just when the tour is on page
● CHANGE - change of slug to not interact with the FREE version at
● BUGFIX - redirect from admin - edit or create new tour - was not working with rocket plugin
● BUGFIX - conflict with Google Map - included Google Map in ACF caused not loading other Google Map API correctly
● BUGFIX - Android chrome status bar trigger resize and so re-positioning and re-scrolling of tooltip (unwanted) on scroll fix
● BUGFIX - Close button in builder z-index lower than the tooltip
● BUGFIX - Step table was not shown all on small displays ... now scroll-able
● BUGFIX - post ID is now at public plugin part read from current SERVER REQUEST URL... not the_ID or the_permalink (doesn't work in all cases)
● UPGRADE - filter PAGE/POST in dialog choosing a link show now just pages, posts and products sorted by post_type
● UPGRADE - text editing in step table enhanced UX
● BUGFIX - left-top-aligned and so positions were not positioned correctly
● BUGFIX - shown element changed position after adding fixing class - now the position is stabilized
● BUGFIX - tooltip arrow positioning near border fix
● UPGRADE - contrast evaluation now supports pseudo-elements (common for icons)
● UPGRADE - mobile UX enhanced
● BUGFIX - Contrast evaluation fixed
● BUGFIX - wplink component for selecting URL from table fix
● BUGFIX - Fix warning on adding new intro tour
● TWEAK - support for localization in frontend js scripts
● FIX - change global function common name with plugin prefixes - to don't interact - try to override others plugins, themes, core functions
● BUGFIX - wpackio 3rd site script loader interacting with other plugins that use wpackio
● BUGFIX - The View Intro Tour button in the top admin bar doesn’t open the page with the tour
● TWEAK - Intro Tour Tutorial PRO DeepPresentation
● BUGFIX - initial hide/show of button set trigger selector visually in admin tour config
● NEW FEATURE - Localization ready
● BUGFIX - The update mechanism was not working all the time
● BUGFIX - escape doesn't end a frontend builder tour
● BUGFIX - saving selector from admin with '>' was HTML encoded and not decoded on loading selectors
● BUGFIX - initial hide/show of button set trigger selector visually in admin tour config
● BUGFIX - deep presentation logo icon missing
● BUGFIX - in viewport offset has no effect
● adding a customization for texts of intro elements in the plugin's Settings page -> Labeling
● frontend intro tour builder - first feature - choosing target element on frontend
● frontend intro tour builder - choosing trigger selectors on frontend
● tooltip automatic positioning upgrade (fix bad auto-positioning in some cases, improve intelligence of evaluating space for placing tooltip)
● position preference fields in the step table are now drop-downs with available choices (no more troubles due to typo errors)
● page/post URL fields in the step table are now editable via standard insert /edit link
● Interaction mode fields in the step table are now editable via the checkbox
● step table fields styling tweak
● BUGFIX - bullet size overflow tooltip in flat theme
● disable debug console output
● transitions improvement to get more smooth and FLEXIBLE
● improvement of visualized element tracking, when it moving animation is applied to it
● undone contrast adjustments on visualized elements after going to the next step or finishing the intro
● Adjust transparency of bullets for intro transition animation
● hiding unnecessary fields for selected configuration of the trigger
● enable user interaction configuration ... for each step added
● All theme load configurations for changing the theme on frontend
● additional trigger configuration
● positioning tooltip and arrow fix, CSS variables
● Big theme styling improvement
● overflow bug fix, scroll pos iterative check
● Initial version.