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[Solved] Menu doesn't open in mobile version

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Posts: 2
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Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but I've tried many ways and it doesn't work properly in the mobile version.
Tour starts, next steps appear, but it refers to invisible elements of the unopened menu.

In the mobile options I have set:
Opener - .push-left > .bb-icon-menu-left
Closer - .bb-icon-close

Thank you in advance for your help.

Posted : 29/03/2021 3:09 pm
Posts: 114
Member Admin

Hi Tomasz,

We'd like to help you with an issue with mobile menu so we'd like to ask you for following:

Can you share with us a web page link, where you run a tour please.

Also, we would like to sent you a debug version (normal version, just we can see some debug info in developer console). Can we send it to email that you used for your purchase?

Have a nice day

Posted : 01/04/2021 10:16 am
Posts: 2
New Member Customer
Topic starter

The website is:
Access is for logged in users only.
Login: test
Password: test1234
Here I start the tour: (Main menu / Pomoc / Pierwsze kroki)

Of course, you can send me the debug version to the email I provided.

Thank you.


Posted : 02/04/2021 3:31 pm
Posts: 114
Member Admin

I just sent you a mail with debug version.

Please download, install it and let me know when it is ready.

Posted : 02/04/2021 3:52 pm
Posts: 114
Member Admin

Hi Tomasz,

I think I’ve just identify a problem.

You have correctly selected mobile menu opener and closer, but it seems you haven’t choose (for each step) mobile menu alternative selector. You can do so in visual builder. Screenshot is attached.


Posted : 04/04/2021 2:24 pm
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