Plugins Intro Tour Tutorial Support Specified url not working ...
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[Solved] Specified URL not working

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Hi, I just purchase the Tour Tutorial Pro plugin and am trying to setup a tour on a page with a url such as, but the tour does not start when I load the page or try to load the tour via a button on the page. When I remove the &_sfm_display_free_lessons=1 part of the url, everything works fine. So I am wondering how I can get the tour to load when I have the full url loaded or via a button.

Thank you

Posted : 13/02/2023 3:10 pm
Posts: 4
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I got it working! I had to disable the "Strict URL Compare" option in the tour and also attach the id of the tour onto the trigger button on the page that I wanted the tour to start on.

Posted : 13/02/2023 7:46 pm
Posts: 114
Member Admin

@austin-groot Excellent! Yes exactly, Strict URL Compare is meant to be for this cases. So you can set up tour starting for URLs modified by query parameters in 2 ways:

  • strictly - the tour starts only at URL with specified query parameter.
  • loosely - the tour starts at URL - doesn't matter about the query parameters

Have a nice day


Posted : 16/02/2023 10:04 pm
Posts: 1
New Member Customer

Hi, i have buyed the pro Version an need Help. I want two different tours for logged in users on two different parameter-Subpages of my site.

  • I want one tour on the URL:{$current-user-id}
  • And the second tour on the URL:{$current-user-id}

My Questions:

  1. Can i use the strict URL Mode for URL-variables like {$current-user-id}? I try to use the variables, but the tour did not start.
  2. If i don´t use the strict Mode, the plugin changes the URL of every loaded parameter-page in the "/dashboard/..." into the URL of my first tour "/dashboard/?ref=insights&identity={$current-user-id}" even if i set the Link of my second step into "/dashboard/?ref=profile&mode=settings&identity={$current-user-id}" How can i stop this?

Many thanks in Advance



Posted : 18/03/2023 11:01 pm
Posts: 1
New Member Customer


Editing the step, in which column did you attach this and how?

In the column <Reference Selector> or <Page/Post/CPT URL> or else where?

Posted : 29/04/2023 9:43 am
Posts: 114
Member Admin

Hi @rainer-winkler,

I'm sorry, I missed your comment so I'm answering late.

Yes, strict mode is needed for your case. Actually, both of your tours should be set to strict mode.

If both are in strict mode and the problem still occurs, then just a quick test. Go to the configuration of your tour and click to the Start URL link and check, where you are redirected (and check if right tour starts). Or just copy URL of that link see in attached image. Then explore an url. Did you get what you expected to be filled to the variable $current-user-id ... should be something like /dashboard/?ref=profile&mode=settings&identity=2 (let's pretend your user id is 2)

Let me know please, if these tips solved your issue.

Posted : 01/05/2023 7:30 pm
Posts: 114
Member Admin

Hi @franz-horvath,

"Strict URL Compare" mode is not per step, but rather per tour in the tour configuration (admin board) -> Properties section see in the attached image

Posted : 01/05/2023 7:38 pm
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