Travis Nash
Active Member
Joined: Mar 21, 2021
Last seen: Aug 14, 2021
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: Add a tour on a page with a variable in url

@admin Thank you for the update, it is working well with the BuddyBoss profiles "trick". The variables in URL "tip" could be changed a bit to be a ...

4 years ago
RE: Add a tour on a page with a variable in url

Hello Cyrille and Tomas, I am encountering this exact same issue, subscribing to this thread to hopefully hear good news soon! Thank you in ad...

4 years ago
RE: Back-end tour edit doesn't load

Hi Tomas, The test update worked perfectly, thank you for all your support!

4 years ago
RE: Back-end tour edit doesn't load

@admin I created the tour from the front end, and when I attempt to create a tour from the back end I get the loading screen continuous. Attached is...

4 years ago
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