Plugins Intro Tour Tutorial Support How to build this multi page admin tour ...
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[Solved] How to build this multi page Admin Tour

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Posts: 25
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I’m trying to build a tour for editing content. I can load the “all content” page in a way the ensures the content I want edited is the first item. However, when the content is clicked to open the edit page the tour breaks. Since the content itself is constantly changing I can’t hard code a URL to go to. How can I get the tour to work across those two pages? Ideally without also triggering a tour if I directly edit the content without going through the tour start page.

Posted : 05/09/2021 2:16 am
Posts: 90
Member Admin

Hi Travis,

I don't understand your issue fully. Could you send me a video, so I can see what you would like to achieve?

This post was modified 8 months ago by Deep Presentation
Posted : 05/09/2021 8:05 pm
Posts: 25
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@admin See attached.

Posted : 06/09/2021 2:12 am
Posts: 90
Member Admin

Hi @travis-wooley,

I see. This is not yet possible with plugin itself without coding. There is a plan to add such a features ... to continue only when user accomplish predefined task ... like a click on specified element or write some text etc. But this will take some time to implement all previous stuff from todo.

For now, it is still possible to do so with our hook system and API and little of javascript code, that capture click in first step and move to next step by our API functions. 


Have a nice day

Posted : 07/09/2021 2:17 pm
Posts: 90
Member Admin

Already implemented feature ... to continue only when user click on target element.

Posted : 19/01/2022 6:35 pm
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